20 Plank Exercises You Can Do at Home- hotsmug.com

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While most of us struggle with tight work schedules, it seems that you don’t have time for staying in shape, and due to all those pressures, a lot of people end up with early chronic diseases.

The gym isn’t the ideal solution for hard workers, but you can still practice at home. It is the perfect way to work, practice, and still have time for your life.

There are lots of exercises that would make a great workout even away from the gym, and while most of them are essential, they still work on specific areas of your body, but you still need some exercises that workout your whole body. One of these exercises which you should consider rolling into your workout schedule is planks.

plank exercise

What is a plank and why should I do it?

The plank exercise is one of the best moves you can do not only for your core, but your entire body. In its basic form, the plank requires you to hold an isometric position, which means you maintain constant tension in one pose, without actually moving. Doing so will strengthen your abs, back, shoulders, glutes, and sometimes even your arms and legs, depending on how you switch it up (see, it is a total-body exercise!).

The reason you want to add planks to your regular workout routine? A strong, stable core forms the basis of all movements—you need stability straight from your midsection to perform any exercise, from squats to shoulder presses. Plus, planks help to improve your posture and add definition to your abs, too.

Whether you can hold a plank exercise for 20 seconds or a full two minutes, you’ll love these fresh takes on the typical move. Even better: 16 of the variations don’t require a single piece of equipment. So meet your new go-to moves for getting in a solid core workout no matter where or when you can fit in some fitness.

Benefits of plank exercises

Plank exercises are an excellent alternative for many other workouts, such as crunches; they can help you improve core strength and stability. They can also make your body stronger and much more durable.

It also improves your weaknesses, which makes plank exercise a perfect addition to your workout schedule. It’s an easy one; basically, anyone can do planks, but first, we should make sure that you do it the right way to avoid any unwanted injuries.

To do a perfect plank exercise, you should put your hands in a straight line on your mat, and hold your body in a straight line from head to toe, be careful not to let your stomach sag or your back round. This leaves us with one other question to answer, for how long should you hold a plank? Well, this question is debatable; it depends on your body and its strength and durability. Here are the most common time goals for plank exercises:

  • 30 sec- it’s ok
  • 1 min- average
  • 1 min 30 sec- good
  • 2 min- very good
  • 3 min- excellent
  • 5 min- plank master
  • 8 hr 15 min 15 sec- that’s the Guinness World Record for men.

But to make the world’s new record in planking, we must do various kinds of planks, and there are so many ways that only make you strong and healthy.

1. Forearm plank

This is what most people consider a standard plank.

Lie facedown with legs extended and elbows bent and directly under shoulders; palms flat on the floor. Place feet hip-width apart, and elbows shoulder-width apart. Engage your abs, then tuck your toes to lift your body (forearms remain on the ground; press the floor away from you with forearms). You should form straight line from shoulders to heels. Hold for 30 to 60 seconds.

2. Straight-arm plank

This plank looks like the top of a push-up and requires shoulder stabilization, too.

Start on all fours with wrists directly under shoulders, toes on the floor. Then, step one foot back and then the other as you engage abs and strengthen legs. Press the floor away from you with hands. You should form a straight line from shoulders to heels. Hold for 30 to 60 seconds.

3. Side Plank

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